Monday, March 26, 2007


There's this guy I know recently and he showers me with so much
attention that i am really touched.

Girls, you say it is LUM or not when a guy

1) SMS you every morning with a sweet message, followed
by a cheery and equally tim tim mutt mutt phone call.

2) Takes you out for lunch whenever he is in the vicinity
of your office.

3) When it is raining and you have no transport to go home, he
drives all the way to take you home even though he works
15 km away.

4) Buys you flowers every now and then, for no reason whatsoever.

5) Takes you back to your hometown whenever you want.
Or, if you are back home with your family, he calls and say that
he is coming over.

6) Buys you a ring on your birthday, but when you hesitate,
he takes out a chain and say he will keep the ring until you are
ready to accept it.

7) Introduces all his friends to you and even bring you to his
company's dos and other official functions.

8) Invites you to his parents' home for dinner.

9) Whenever you say you don't feel well, got a stomachache or
whatever, he rushes over to see you.

And many, many more lovey-dovey things . I am so, so lum.....
can faint already!!!

~ the 27th Ray of the Sun ~

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Fairy Tales

How do we perceive things? I sometimes think we create our own world based on our dreams and wishes ... by what we want and hope to have. There have been instances when I had to stop and remind myself to look at things in a more realistic way. I sometimes tell myself that I may be putting too much meaning into things.

So what do you do when you realise that what you have thought to be the truth was not true all along?

Ditch reality. My fantasy world's better. :)


Monday, March 05, 2007

Two is a crowd

Stumbled across this piece of news story the other day while searching for some interesting read. It's one good news story that reveals the weird and wonderfully funniness of the world.

Man with two penises loses wife

A German who persuaded doctors to give him a second penis has lost his wife after he showed her the result.

Biker Michael Gruber, 40, lost his original penis in a motorbike accident and doctors built him a second one using a mixture of skin, bone and other tissues from his own body.

The penis worked so well that he was even able to father a child with his wife Bianca, 25, and their son Etienne was born last year.

But Gruber was still not happy and asked doctors to repeat the operation and build him a better organ, to which they agreed.

However, before removing the first penis doctors said they needed to make sure the new tissue transplant was a success, and had to leave the first penis in place.

Dr Markus Kuentscher, a plastic surgeon at Berlin's Accident Hospital, said: "We left the old one attached until the new one is properly supplied with blood."

But when Gruber showed his wife his double penis, she went home, packed her bags and left.

From his hospital bed he said: "I've got two penises but no wife, but I am hoping when I get rid of one of the penises I will get her back."

His testicles are intact and will be connected to what is actually his third penis when doctors are happy the operation was a success.

His story was featured on a German TV documentary called The Last Penis Operation

I believe the real punch to this story was the following :
"when Gruber showed his wife his double penis, she went home, packed her bags and left."
