Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Whitening Lotions

In this part of the world, Asian girls have a funny sort of fascination with being white, and "white" does not mean "fair"; it means "white" like a washed out sheet of photocopy paper. Every single cosmetic company out there in the market promises whitening effects with advertisements of dark skinned girls abound which promise a bleached face-like death.

So sad, they fail to understand that being "white" suits white people because the pinkish tones in their skins lends better to a healthier overall look. Asians, especially the Chinese have much yellower tones in their skin and more often than not, being too "white" only results in looking either quite green or sick. Ofthen, they are also terrified of the sun and go to great lengths to avoid getting a tan (they call it "getting dark'). They drive with long-sleeved shirts and gloves, use umbrellas when walking outdoors and splatter on whitening lotions while indoors. This obviously leaves them with a distinct deficiency in both sunshine and Vitamin D making them look even more ill than they already do.

Some spend loads of money on these whitening lotions not realising a chemically-induced "whiteness" bleaches out any sense of colour in their skins when they can get a glowing effect from free sunshine. Anyway, we could always do with more pale looking people in the world ... it makes the rest of us tanned and slightly tanned beauties all the more stunning **wink** **wink**



Blogger Unknown said...

I'm naturally got fair skin, last few years I work full time on construction sites and my skin burned very badly, now getting better since I work in office more than on the site, but still abit tan. Whitening lotion really got side effect to our skin, I never use those products.

November 02, 2006 11:04 am

Blogger dreamie said...

i am like "justice pao" blackie face kinda look nowadays.... i am in dire need of whitening lotion !!!

November 03, 2006 1:04 am

Blogger sun, moon & star said...

Kenny: You got burnt like charcoal? Should have covered your face with a towel like some construction workers do but never mind la now 'cos getting back your fairness day by day.

Dreamie: So ngam wan, my pet doggie is called Blackie wor but I no use whitening lotion on him ..

November 05, 2006 11:23 am

Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yah... we are organising 'Together-Gather' Year End Bloggers Party on 30 Dec 2006. U want to join?

November 09, 2006 10:55 pm

Blogger sun, moon & star said...

Kenny: Yup, read about this year-end gathering in the Malaysia Bloggers Forum. Sounds exciting but not too sure if can attend or not.

November 14, 2006 3:42 pm


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